
Why facial oils are not actually Hydrating your skin!

by | Jun 6, 2021 | SKINCARE

Among the rise of people reading the back of products (which has its downfalls), some people almost ‘throw in the towel’ and grab oil from the pantry and use that in replace of all other skincare…let me explain why this is not the best idea. 

Before you think I’m saying facial oils are the enemy, let me stop you right there are plenty of oils with a high amount of antioxidants. Many different oils are used in ingredient formulas to soften and smooth things out; they slip in between skin cells, temporarily smoothing the skin’s surface.

Though some people are obsessed with oil’s because they are ‘cleaner’ or ‘pure’ because no preservatives are used, there is a downfall, the individual compound can degrade and become spoiled, which can become irritating for your skin, when once this same oil that was fine for your skin it can become very problematic. 

Face Moisturing Creams


Well-hydrated skin is associated with the water content of your skin. Following that statement, you would naturally seek products to add water into the skin; unfortunately, it’s not an facial oil that works the best for hydration. 

Humectants are the category of ingredients that get water and hydration into your skin. These are things like glycerin, urea, hyaluronic acid. On the flip side, occlusives are an array of ingredients that keep the hydration in the skin like a barrier. This includes things like petroleum, waxes, mineral oil and silicone. 

Moisturising creams actually do contain oils, plus (and most importantly) the other fundamental components as well. The oils are the emollient of this trinity, making the creams comprehensive, taking the worry out of it, just like a 3 in 1, now who doesn’t love that. 

Wherewith oil, you’re just getting one component and here lies the problem with people exclusively using an oil. If you rely on oil only for your skin’s needs, you are missing out on so many other benefits you have access to with other products. This is especially true for people with dry skin that live in non-humid climates. Plus, as we age, our ability to hold onto the water is diminishing, so give your skin the best chance to glow and feel healthy!

READ NEXT: Your Guide to Skincare Acids!

Essential oils 

Just because when you read the ingredient list, it looks like it’s freshly picked from the garden does not naturally correlate to being safe for topical skin application. Most of the oils I am talking about above are ‘carrier oils’ with larger molecules like Squalene, almond, sunflower, jojoba, marula oil. 

Essential oils are quite a different thing. They are highly potent and concentrated and can not make up the base of a formula, and there’s so many essential oil, but some you may see are, eucalyptus, ginger, jasmine, lemon, oregano oil. 

Because something is from nature, you’re not in the clear from potentially having an allergic reaction from it; many things in the wild are dangerous to humans. Countless people develop irritations and get contact dermatitis from such oils. Signs look like bums, swelling, redness, spots and itching. If this happens, stop using that essential oil.


How to use oil in your skincare routine. 


Oils are best to go on last. Nothing dramatic will happen if you don’t but think of it this way. If you first put on oil, then your beautiful expensive new serum, that thin liquid serum, will have a hard time getting under the oil and deep into your skin. 

So first things like lotions, eye creams, serums, creams and then your oil, if you’re using one. 

Hope this helps clear up skin care and oils for you all.   



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